Pizza delivery Wiki is about Pizza delivery which is a public service where pizza is delivered to the customers by a restaurant where pizzas are made. The pizza can be ordered by going to the pizzeria or through the internet by using mobile phones, tablets or smartphone, the client can specify the order by defining the type, size and other products along with pizza. The delivery is made through a vehicle, motorbike, scooter or a bicycle and pizzas are delivered mostly in bags or pizza delivery boxes. The payment can also be made online through credit and debit cards, cryptocurrency or the buyer can pay it personally depending on the rules of the pizzeria. The fee is charged according to the type of product delivered.
The pizza is ordered by communicating with a pizza restaurant, it could be done online or by telephone. In some countries, online ordering of pizza is available where the restaurants provide online menus and ordering as per pizza delivery wiki.
The industry has kept a very steady pace with the new developments in technologies since 1980 when the concept of a personal computer was introduced. This business can be maintained through specialized software that is determined to be efficient for the carriers as it can track directions to the order and helps in managing calls and orders through PoS software. GPS tracking technology is used by the customers to monitor delivery cars or motorbikes through the internet since 2008.
The pizza chains also offer a guarantee about the delivery time that the pizzas will be delivered in the given time period just like in Ontario based Canadian pizzeria. The domino’s pizza guaranteed that delivery will be done in 30 minutes, they had this campaign in 1980 and 1990. The pizza was delivered with 3 dollars off if the rule was broken, however, the guarantee was misjudged as the 30 minutes deliver or free pizza. This rule was not continued since 1993 in the US because of the lots of complaints about road accidents by the hurried delivery boys but still, it is offered in some countries. The pizza chains that have no specific delivery time, will make an estimated time frame for the delivery and have no certification about the actual delivery time.
The most popular day for pizza delivery is New Year’s Eve, the other days are Super Bowl Sunday, New Year’s Day, Halloween and the day before Thanksgiving, according to the Domino’s. Some of the other unscheduled events also show a rise in deliveries, for example, according to a statement by Domino’s, its sales during the Super Bowl Sunday were large similarly as to those during O.J. Simpson slow speed chase as per pizza delivery wiki.
Free delivery was a famous motto for approximately all of the pizza chains for many years. A certain percentage of the delivery charges are given to the delivery drivers because the store has to refund the money to the driver as he uses his personal vehicle.
In the United States, free pizza delivery is attributed generally to Domino’s Pizza. In 1999, the Pizza Hut delivered pizzas with 50% delivery charges in ten stores. In the mid of 2001, this was applied to 95% of the company-owned restaurants in the United States and to the 5,250 franchisee-owned restaurants which is a small number. In 2002, smaller percentage of the stores possessed or licensed by U.S. pizza companies such as Papa John’s and Domino’s also started to charge a fee of 50 cents or 1.5 dollars and some of Little Caesar’s franchises also charged delivery fees. In 2005, delivery charges were implemented in the majority of the restaurants that were owned by Papa John.
Commonly, an optional tip is given to the delivery driver along with the payment of the order in some countries but it is a custom in Canada and the United States. The views about the appropriate amount are different. The tipping is reported to the employer which is the obligation of employees and also for the purpose of income tax. The contractors that are independent and charge the fee per delivery are required to report the tips to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Delivery Bag
Bags that are used to keep the pizza warm during transportation are called hot bags. These are the thermal bags that are made up of nylon, vinyl or Cordura that preserve the heat. The choice of material affects the stability, price, and condensation. The bags add heat through the inclusion of heated disks externally, heating elements and heating of pellets through the induction of electrically produced magnetic waves. Improvements are allowed in the bags without using an immovable delivery box like back strips, waterproofing and hard structure. These are shown to be quicker to use, inexpensive and more efficient.
Pizza Box
Pizza boxes are made of corrugated fibreboard. This board has many beneficial aspects because it’s inexpensive, can be disposed of and recycled, rigid but light and good absorbent that prevents the leakage oil and juices and air channels in the cardboard are insulated.
The pizza box history started in Naples in 1800, the pizzas are put in metal containers called stufas that are round and vented containers of tin or copper-containing shelves that hold the pizzas apart. The pizza delivery was done in cardboard covered with paper bag, since 1940. There is a belief that pizza boxes made of corrugated Flat Square were introduced in the 1960s by Domino’s but they didn’t make it patent, however, patent designs were introduced in 1968. The innovations include venting, holders for extra sauces, easy recycling designs and pierced tops. The box has a lid of disposable tripod plastic called pizza saver as per pizza delivery wiki.
There are large amounts of corrugated fibers in pizza boxes that are produced annually but some municipal programs do not accept these cardboards because they are often saturated with grease due to which they are not suitable for some recycling processes. Therefore, these are often thrown in landfills with other household waste but it is possible if the clean part of the box is torn off and used for recycling.
A patent was allotted in 1985 by Carmela Vitale(as per info with pizza delivery wiki) for a tripod plastic stool that would keep the top from dropping into the pizza, Vitale used the name “package saver” for it and also used it of her patent but “pizza saver” replaced this term. The device was innovated by adding new changes including a disposable plastic spatula and one leg is notched to be used as a knife.
Two unions are made especially for the delivery drivers of pizza in the U.S., Association of Pizza Delivery Drivers (APDD) and the American Union of Pizza Delivery Drivers (AUPDD).
Association of Pizza Delivery Drivers (APDD) was formed in 2002, it was famous as an Internet-based union, avoiding old methods of establishing and making donations and the sale of goods the center of fundraising activities. Individuals can join APDD easily through its website by filling a form or conversing with the officers every Tuesday evening. It had 1000 members from 46 states of the U.S. at its peak. Several certification votes were held by APDD in the U.S. but these were unsuccessful. The union was lost a claim against Domino’s franchise in Mansfield, Ohio in March 2006, the enormous debt caused the union to be closed.
AUPDD was established by a driver Jim Phole from Domino’s Pizza store in Pensacola, Florida in 2006. In April 2006, AUPDD was certified as a union for his store. According to him, the minimum wage paid by his store was the main factor in the development of a union.
AUPDD was formed in a traditional way but it used certain techniques that were internet-based initiated by APDD including its fundraising activities and communication with the press. The internet was also used as the primary outreach to be connected with the people who wish to start locals in the United States.
Pizza delivery is dangerous by nature for the drivers because they have to go to the houses of strangers having unfamiliar neighbours. A pizza delivery driver was fired by a Pizza Hut in 2004 because he shot and killed a robber while according to the policies of the company he was not allowed to keep weapons. The national pizza chains like Papa John’s and Donmino’s do not allow the employee to carry weapons while some independent chains allow it but in a legal way, it is a big issue in the United States.
Prank Order
Pizza chains often face prank orders for many pizzas or to a random house. The prank orders can cost money and annoyance resulting in the throwing off the unpaid pizzas. For example, in Amherst, Massachusetts, a man placed an order of 148 pizzas that costs almost 4,000 dollars in November 2010 and claimed to be a part of Bob Dylan’s crew. Such callers were penalized in Singapore for placing wrong orders.
Attacks On Pizza Delivery Workers
Attacking, kidnappings, stealing are often subjected to the delivery drivers and sometimes they got raped or even killed during the job. False orders are placed often to betray for robbery or to do kidnappings, and some drivers have been injured or killed in robberies plus kidnappings. The names of some of the victims who were lured and killed include Michael Choy, Brian Douglas Wells, and Yafim Weinstein. .
In Popular Culture
In popular culture, the delivery of pizza has been presented as a major element in several media such as fiction, movies and feature films. For example, there are many works of fiction that include delivery drivers as the main character such as in a novel by Tom Wolfe “I Am Charlotte Simmons (2004)”, and “Snow Crash (1992) by Neal Stephenson, pizza delivery being one of the US’s four major industries is planned by the Mafia. Pizza delivery is also used in several feature films including the 1984 comedy Delivery Boys, the Spike Lee 1989 film Do the Right Thing, and the 2000 comedy film “Dude, Where’s My Car?”
It has been the subject of films such as feature-length films as Pizza: The Movie, Fat Pizza: The Movie, and Drivers Wanted. In such films, pizza delivery has served a major role as a lover boy. An American comedy film of 30 minutes or less in 2011 was about a pizza delivery boy being kidnapped and his subsequent involvement in a forced bank robbery that was based on the death of Erie in 2003 from Pennsylvania named Brian Douglas Wells who was a pizza deliveryman. A comedy series in Australia, Pizza centers that was about Pauly and his colleagues who deliver pizza for a pizzeria called Fat Pizza that was based in Sydney.
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