eDeliveryApp is Restaurant Ordering System for single or chain of restaurants.
The system consists of frontend responsive website, Android App, iOs APP, Facebook App and Admin panel to manage everything. There are admin mobile apps also. Apart from regular admin features the admin also has inventory management, sales management and table bookings. We offer a basic free web based POS with the system and any 3rd party POS can be integrated with the system. There is also delivery and driver management system with driver apps.
edeliveryapp has all regular online ordering features like restaurant info presentation, search, view and browse menu, place order online(add to cart and checkout), online payments, table bookings etc. for all platfroms.
Manage everything from one place.Get real-time order updates. Build menu easily with unlimited categories, appetizing images, descriptions and addons.Manage inventory, sales, orders, table bookings and your apps from admin panel.
Our system is completely flexible and can easily be integated with 3rd party POS, any printer, your own payment gateway, table booking or delivery systems. Just name it and we’ll integrate that.
Create coupons, vouchers and custom loyalty programs. one click re-order, pre-order, upsell, featured products etc. guaranteed to increase sales. Keep customers engaged through social media integration.
Our system is completely multi-lingual and can be used in any geography as it is localised. Be it RTL or chinese. add any type of local taxes or legal requirement. Our system is multi-store so you can easily use it for chain of restaurants.
Get all data on your store on your fingertips. All types of reports like sales by date, food dish or category, reports on customers and customer behavior. reports on stocks etc. reports can be exported. Google Analytics is integrated by default.

This is our OPEN CHALLENGE TO ALL. Show us a vendor who can provide you more web design options for your restaurant ordering system and we will provide you our system free of cost. Our Restaurant Ordering system is built on WordPress/Woocommerce platform. There is no other platform or technology that even comes close to WordPress when it comes to design/themes and modules options and variety. Just the official WordPress market has more than 15,000 design themes/templates. Your Restaurant Ordering system will not be a clone. It will be as unique as your restaurant. For design of your system your options are:-
Select from our predesigned theme/templates shown in the right side here or click here to see all.
Browse the web for wordpress themes and provide us the one you like and we’ll convert it to your own restaurant ordering system
Provide us a PSD of the design and we’ll convert it to your restaurant ordering system
Features That Will Make You Scream With Delight
WordPress powers nearly half the web and is most popular platform. The reason for this is that it has most easy to use back-end, limitless design options and thousands of modules to add any functionality easily.
You can add any info about your restaurant like about us, gallery, contact us, location map etc. in any way that you want like – on separate pages or single page parallex style or any other way that u want.
The homepage slider banner is completely customizable from backend. You can add any type of marketing banner or slider with multiple types of text animation.
Your restaurant menu can be displayed in layout that you want. It can be classic layout like the hard copy menu or it can be modern e-commerce style grid or list view menu or any other style on this planet that you want. We have more than dozen menu styles to choose from.
The items in menu can be clicked to view details of the dish like short and long description, ingrediants, calories, reviews and ratings, discounts, combinations, addons, variations etc.
Ensure full house all the time. Offer table reservations and bookings from your website. Configure this in anyway you want from a simple reservation from to a full fledged booking system.
Customer Can Checkout As Guest, Create Account Or Sign-in Through Social Media. Give your customer variety of choices for checking-out and reduce cart abandonment. Your customer can checkout as guest, create account using their phone number or email address or sign-in using any of their social-media accounts.
Customer can manage their profiles, add multiple addresses, view order history, re-order, view their wishlist etc. from their profiles.
Our system already has pre-existing integrations with most of the payment gateways and we can further integrate it with any local payment gateway. This is our guarantee.
We provide a free basic POS system with our restaurant ordering system. Apart from this we have out of box integration with many major restaurant POS vendors.
A business has to be unique and a design is the first display of the uniqueness of your business. That’s why we do not restrict you to any design and you will have maximum design options for your restaurant ordering system to make it Unique.
Our restaurant ordering system is based on WordPress CMS using which to can make lot of design and content changes by yourself later on even after project delivery and you won’t need a programmer everytime to make changes to the restaurant ordering system.
Our add to cart button can be placed on the main menu itself and user can place order in one click or follow the regular cart and checkout process.
Connect any social media account and integrate in anyway. You can have your social media links, allow logins by any social media account, allow to share your content on social medias, display your social media info in widgets like twitter or instagram feeds.
Sell on the hottest marketplace. You can create a facebook shop and sync the shop with your restaurant ordering system database and manage from your admin.
Our restaurant ordering system uses woocommerce in the backend and easily integrates with major bookings platfroms like opentable, yelp etc.
Use geolocation technology and impress your customers. Allow your customer to simply provide their location using geolocation – the system will autocomplete their address. Your customer can also add their address manually and then see their location on google map and correct the exact location on maps using pointer if needed.
content is the undisputed king of marketing.Create and manage blogs, articles, news section easily from wordpress backend.
Our system comes with native google cloud integration. This means that you can simply plug and play 80% of the printers across the globe. For rest of the printers we can integrate them manually.
Our admin panel is based on wordpress admin – which is the world’s most used admin panel and has millions of supporters.
Our menu builder is based on woo-commerce platform which is WordPress’s most preferred ecommerce platfrom and most widely used. Create any type of menu item including simple, combination, different variations like sizes and flavoring etc. You can create any number of categories and sub categories.
View any and all types of reports on your data in the backend. With dozens of different reports you are guaranteed to get the report you want and you can customize the views as per what you want to see.
Manage all settings of your store from your admin backend. All settings for Store, products, shipping, checkout, accounts etc. are in admin and can be easily managed.
Many drag and drop page builders are available for wordpress(both free and paid). You can make any future changes to your system using them including making the worlds most amazing sliders at will using drag and drop.
Get details of all your table bookings in your admin backend.
Your Shop In your pocket. Get free ios admin app to manage your store and see all your data in real time in your pocket.
Changing status, viewing orders details, delivery address, payment details etc.
The system comes with basic stock management and any advanced stock management features can be added through plugins, modules or custom coding.
Get all customers details in yur backend and view and manage it in anyways you want.
WordPress being a CMS allows you to create custom pages for your site as and when you need. You dont have to depend on developers for small changes to your system.
Create any type of marketing campaigns like coupons and discounts which come as default part of the system. Further we can add any type of marketing campaign like loyalty programs, newsletter subscriptions etc.
Take orders on phone and add it in the backend with easy customer search and add
Dont spend thousands of dollars on POS system. Get a free basic POS system to manage your store, further we can modify the POS system to as per what you want.